Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Housing at Disney

There are 2 types of apartments one can live at. Wellness and Non-wellness. Wellness apartments are for anyone who is under 21 years of age. It is a dry apartment and you can't bring alcohol into the apartment at all. Non-wellness is for people over 21. They are allowed to drink in the apartment. If you are over 21, you have the option to live in wellness or non-wellness. If you do live in a wellness apartment and you are over 21, you still have to follow the same rules of no drinking in the apartment.

There are 4 apartment complexes for the CPs to live in. Vista Way, Chatham Square, Patterson Court, and The Commons. In each apartment complexes, there are apartments with 1-4 bedrooms. 2 People live in one bedroom, so one apartment can accomodate anywhere from 2-8 people. The disney website says that apartments can cost anwhere from $79-$108 or something like that. It all depends on where you live and how many people you live with. If you live with 7 others, your rent is going to be lower.


Vista way is the oldest apartment complex. It is the smallest of the apartments, and is also the cheapest. From what I've heard, it's known for the parties. It is the most sociable of the apartments. Vista Way doesn't have balconies like the rest of the apartment complexes, it does have 2 pools though. And it has a bus stop for CPs.


Chatham Square is the biggest apartment complex. It was built in 2000, so it is only 10 years old.  Some of the apartments have balconies, and some don't. Some bedrooms here have their own bathroom, but some don't.  Most people call this place the happy medium. It isn't as sociable at Vista, but it isn't as quiet as Patterson.  It has a pool, and a bus stop and is right beside Patterson Court. It is basically just as pricey as Patterson. I think you save a dollar a week, by living here instead of Patterson.


Patterson Court is the newest of the apartment complexes. It was built in 2008. Every apartment in this complex has a balcony and every bedroom has a bathroom. There are 2 sinks in the rooms(one in the bathroom and one outside the bathroom) so it's easy for one to get dressed while the other is showering.  Patterson is called the retirement home because it is the quietest of all the apartments.  This complex does not have its own bus stop. Patterson and Chatham share a bus stop, but it's only a 5 minute walk.

The Commons
I don't really know much about The Commons honestly. I know it is the housing for the international students.  Every apartment here has their own washer/dryer.  I could not find a picture of this complex.

All apartments(excluding the commons) have washers and dryers in laundry mat form that everyone shares. Everyone buys a loadable washing card instead of carrying around quarters, you load your card when you go to wash clothes. I honestly don't know how this works either.

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